Notícia recebida por email da lista que participo. A Bolívia importa roupas usadas. O impacto na industria e na economia bolivianas é impressionante. Serve de alerta para o Brasil, após perderem o mercado boliviano, vão desovar essas roupas usadas por aqui.
Boletín Extraordinario Nº 131, 13 de febrero de 2008
(Cámara Nacional de Industrias - Instituto Boliviano de Comercio Exterior)
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Pérdida de 500 millones de dólares - La pérdida acumulada para la economía boliviana como consecuencia de la importación de ropa usada entre el 2000 y 2005 superó los 500 millones de dólares (6% del PIB)
Industria textil la más afectada - Los más afectados: la industria textil (312 millones); comercio (80 millones) y agricultura (32 millones); transporte (17 millones), servicios financieros (19 millones) y servicios generales (23 millones de dólares)
Destruidos 107.000 puestos de trabajo - La economía boliviana perdió de manera acumulada 107.000 puestos de trabajo en los últimos 6 años, de los cuales 56.000 correspondieron al sector textil y confecciones
Contrabando Omnipresente - en el 2005 solo un 7% era importado legalmente, mientras que el 93% restante era internado a través del contrabando, alcanzado un volumen estimado de más de 8.000 toneladas anuales, por un valor de 40 millones de dólares
15.300 comerciantes - En las principales ciudades de Bolivia existen unos 15.300 comerciantes a tiempo completo a la actividad de prendas usadas
Ropa Usada para personas de clase media - 7 de cada 10 consumidores de ropa usada pertenece al rango de ingresos medios (4% del total de los consumidores son de ingresos altos)
Sanidad - La prendería usada infringe por completo aspectos de sanidad, fumigación e higiene, y tanto los comerciantes como los consumidores desconocen el origen de la ropa usada que compran
Oportunidad a la industria nacional - resulta imposible competir con una mercancía que no tiene valor real, y la prohibición de su importación y comercialización son la única medida que permitiría a la industria textil nacional contar con la oportunidad para proveer vestimenta a precios adecuados y con calidad similar a la de los productos extranjeros
Investigación: realizada el año 2005 por el Consultor boliviano Lic. Gonzalo Vidaurre, por encargo del IBCE y la CNI, con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Estado de Economía de la Confederación Suiza (SECO)
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quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2008
Impacto de la Importación de Ropa Usada en Bolivia
Unbelievable -- What Are the Odds of This Happening? - Articles
Acontecem coisas estranhas neste mundo, não é verdade? Mas serão reais estes fatos? No mínimo são curiosos. Boa leitura.
Unbelievable -- What Are the Odds of This Happening?
coincidence, unbelievable, boatLife can sometimes produce fascinating, extraordinary coincidences. Here are a few of the most amazing ones:
* In 1975, a man riding a moped in Bermuda was accidentally struck and killed by a taxi. One year later, the man’s brother, riding the very same moped, was killed in the very same way by the very same taxi driven by the very same driver -- and carrying the very same passenger.
* Twin brothers Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were separated at birth and adopted by different families. Unknown to each other, both were named James, both owned a dog named Toy, both married women named Linda, both had a son they names James Alan, and both eventually divorced and got remarried to a woman named Betty.
* Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence, and John Adams helped to edit and hone it. The Continental Congress approved the document on July 4, 1776. Both Jefferson and Adams died on July 4, 1826 -- exactly 50 years after the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
* A German mother who photographed her infant son in 1914 left the film to be developed at a store in Strasbourg, but was unable to collect the film picture when World War I broke out. Two years later she bought a film plate in Frankfurt, over 100 miles away, and took a picture of her newborn daughter -- only to find, when developed, the picture of her daughter superimposed on the earlier picture of her son. The original film, never developed, had been mistakenly labeled as unused and resold.
* In 1858, Robert Fallon was shot dead by fellow poker players who accused him of cheating to win a $600 pot. None of the other players were willing to take the now unlucky $600, so they found a new player to take Fallon’s place, who turned the $600 into $2,200 in winnings. At that point, the police arrived and demanded that the original $600 be given to Fallon’s next of kin -- only to discover that the new player was Fallon’s son, who had not seen his father in seven years.
* In the 19th century, the famous horror writer Egdar Allan Poe wrote a book called ‘The narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.’ It was about four survivors of a shipwreck who were in an open boat for many days before they decided to kill and eat the cabin boy whose name was Richard Parker. Some years later, in 1884, the yawl, Mignonette, foundered, with only four survivors, who were in an open boat for many days. Eventually the three senior members of the crew killed and ate the cabin boy. The name of the cabin boy was Richard Parker.
* In 1930s Detroit, a man named Joseph Figlock was to become an amazing figure in a young (and, apparently, incredibly careless) mother’s life. As Figlock was walking down the street, the mother’s baby fell from a high window onto Figlock. The baby’s fall was broken and Figlock and the baby were unharmed. A year later, the same baby fell from the same window, again falling onto Mr. Figlock as he was passing beneath. Once again, both of them survived the event.
* In 1973, actor Anthony Hopkins agreed to appear in “The Girl From Petrovka”, based on a novel by George Feifer. Unable to find a copy of the book anywhere in London, Hopkins was surprised to discover one lying on a bench in a train station. It turned out to be George Feifer’s own annotated (personal) copy, which Feifer had lent to a friend, and which had been stolen from his friend’s car.
* In Monza, Italy, King Umberto I went to a small restaurant for dinner, accompanied by his aide-de-camp, General Emilio Ponzia-Vaglia. When the owner took King Umberto’s order, the King noticed that he and the restaurant owner were virtual doubles, in face and in build. Both men began discussing the striking resemblance between each other and found many more similarities.
1. Both men were born on the same day, of the same year (March 14, 1844).
2. Both men had been born in the same town.
3. Both men married a woman with same name, Margherita.
4. The restaurateur opened his restaurant on the same day that King Umberto was crowned King of Italy.
5. On the 29th July 1900, King Umberto was informed that the restaurateur had died that day in a mysterious shooting accident, and as he expressed his regret, an anarchist in the crowd then assassinated him.
* While American novelist Anne Parrish was browsing bookstores in Paris in the 1920s, she came upon a book that was one of her childhood favorites -- Jack Frost and Other Stories. She picked up the old book and showed it to her husband, telling him of the book she fondly remembered as a child. Her husband took the book, opened it, and on the flyleaf found the inscription: “Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street, Colorado Springs.” It was Anne’s very own book.
Are these instances merely coincidence, or are they something more? It all depends on how you look at it.
As the famous words of Albert Einstein sum up quite nicely: “There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Unbelievable -- What Are the Odds of This Happening? - Articles.
Snow, bad weather damage 18.6 million ha of Chinese forest - People's Daily Online
Snow, bad weather damage 18.6 million ha of Chinese forest
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16:01, February 13, 2008
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The extreme weather that hit China in recent weeks has damaged 18.6 million hectares of forest in 19 snow-afflicted provincial regions, the State Forestry Administration announced here Wednesday.
The total included 6.83 million ha of bamboo, 11.62 million ha of woods and 15,333 ha of saplings, according to the administration.
The 19 provincial-level areas plagued by snow and cold weather were Hunan, Hubei, Anhui, Guangxi, Jiangxi, Guizhou, Henan, Yunnan,Sichuan, Chongqing, Qinghai, Shaanxi, Gansu, Xinjiang, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Guangdong and Hainan.
The administration has earmarked 4.3 million yuan (597,200 U.S. dollars) as a supplement to the 30 million yuan designated by the central government to support forestry sector relief work.
Freaky winter storms have plagued southern China since mid-January, leading to widespread traffic jams, structural collapse, blackouts and crop loss. It also killed at least 80 people and affected about 100 million residents, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Approximately seven million ha of farmland, mainly located in the mid and downstream areas of the Yangtze River, was hit by the snow. About 753,333 million ha lost all their output, according to Ministry of Agriculture statistics released on Jan. 31.
Experts believed a phenomenon called La Nina aggravated the freak weather.
Zheng Guoguang, head of China China Meteorological Administration, said earlier that La Nina was a large pool of unusually cold water in the equatorial Pacific that developed every few years and influenced global weather. It is the climatic opposite of El Nino, a warming of the Pacific.
Source: Xinhua
Snow, bad weather damage 18.6 million ha of Chinese forest - People's Daily Online. L'informazione fuori e dentro la Rete.
mercoledì 13 febbraio 2008
Fujitsu Siemens Computers con ³ M¹ illumino di meno²
Fujitsu Siemens Computers aderisce alla campagna “M’illumino di meno”
Nel quadro delle politiche di tutela ambientale, l’azienda sostiene la manifestazione di Radio2 dedicata al risparmio energetico. Fujitsu Siemens Computers, il prossimo 15 febbraio, spegnerà le luci della propria sede, i PC e tutti i dispositivi per 10 minuti
Fujitsu Siemens Computers, azienda IT leader in Europa, nel quadro del proprio impegno verso l’eco-compatibilità e la sostenibilità ambientale, aderisce a “M’illumino di meno”, giornata di mobilitazione internazionale in nome del risparmio energetico promossa da Caterpillar, il noto programma di Radio2 condotto da Cirri e Solibello.
Per il quarto anno consecutivo, cittadini, scuole, aziende e Istituzioni sono invitati a spegnere le luci e tutti i dispositivi elettrici non indispensabili alle ore 18 il prossimo 15 febbraio. Nelle precedenti edizioni "M'illumino di meno" ha contagiato milioni di persone. In Italia, lo scorso anno l’iniziativa ha coinvolto simbolicamente le principali piazze di tutta Italia.
Fujitsu Siemens Computers, il prossimo 15 febbraio, spegnerà le luci della propria sede, i PC e tutti i dispositivi per 10 minuti, per dare il proprio contributo diminuendo i consumi in eccesso. L’azienda, inoltre, spegnerà la propria insegna e le luci all’esterno dell’edificio. Attività di comunicazione sono state rivolte ai dipendenti per sensibilizzarli sull’importanza dell’iniziativa.
“Da oltre 15 anni siamo impegnati nello sviluppo di una politica per l’ambiente che coinvolge tutte le aree aziendali e i processi di produzione e distribuzione; siamo stati pionieri nel contribuire a diffondere il rispetto delle normative e abbiamo creato centri all’avanguardia per il recupero, il riciclo e lo smaltimento prodotti”, afferma Pierfilippo Roggero, Presidente e Amministratore Delegato di Fujitsu Siemens Computers. ”La nostra esperienza in questo campo ci ha spinti naturalmente ad aderire all’iniziativa di promossa da Radio2. Ci auspichiamo che siano molte le persone coinvolte dalla manifestazione, anche nell’ottica di contribuire a diffondere educazione e sensibilità ambientali come fattori di progresso concreto nella protezione dell’ecosistema”.
L’adesione all’iniziativa “M’illumino di meno” si aggiunge alle numerose attività compiute nel settore tutela ambientale e risparmio energetico da Fujitsu Siemens Computers e dalla sua organizzazione interna. Dalla progettazione alle materie prime allo smaltimento del prodotto, l'azienda affronta e gestisce gli impatti dell'intero ciclo di vita di ciascun prodotto. L’impegno dell’azienda si è concretizzato nel tempo in programmi concreti fra i quali si ricordano i seguenti.
Energia pulita da fonti alternative
Al fine di alimentare le sedi in modo pulito, lo scorso ottobre Fujitsu Siemens Computers ha siglato una partnership con LifeGate Energy®, il primo operatore elettrico riconosciuto dall’Authority per l’Energia Elettrica ed il Gas che commercializza esclusivamente energia rinnovabile. In base all’accordo, la società acquista energia prodotta solo da fonti al 100% rinnovabili che non emettono CO2 e non sono causa d’inquinamento. Nella ristrutturazione degli edifici ha utilizzato solo lampade ad alta efficienza e realizzato un progetto per la corretta distribuzione delle sorgenti luminose e della giusta quantità di luce in relazione all'ambiente.
Mobilità sostenibile
In linea con il senso di responsabilità per l’ambiente, Fujitsu Siemens Computers ha attivato una Car Policy aziendale mirata a ridurre le emissioni inquinanti. Oltre a scegliere modelli di auto aziendali rientranti esclusivamente in una gamma selezionata, la società incentiva l’adozione di macchine a doppia alimentazione (benzina e GPL) da parte dei dipendenti, ai quali, effettuando questa scelta, sono rimborsati i consumi di GPL anche per uso personale.
Carta naturale al 100%
L’azienda è passata per tutte le esigenze interne organizzative e di produzione all’utilizzo esclusivo di carta a basso impatto ambientale. Le forniture di materiale cartaceo, dagli stampati alle buste, rispettano i marchi europei di qualità ecologica. Tutta la carta utilizzata è prodotta
a partire dal 100% di fibre riciclate e viene sbiancata senza utilizzare cloro, agenti sbiancanti alogenati o altri difficilmente biodegradabili. Il processo produttivo rispetta precisi standard
di risparmio energetico e limita le emissioni di azoto, fosforo, zolfo, fabbisogno chimico
di ossigeno (COD) e composti organici adsorbibili (AOX). Rispetto a 1 tonnellata di carta tradizionale, la carta riciclata o a basso impatto ambientale consente di risparmiare:
• 24 alberi
• 4100 kWh di energia
• 26 metri cubi d’acqua
• 27 kg. di emissioni in aria
• 3 metri cubi di spazio in discarica
L’impegno per l’ambiente ha generato per Fujitsu Siemens Computers risparmi concreti che nel 2007 sono stati calcolati in oltre 50.000 euro, a dimostrazione che le buone abitudini pagano.